

A Stack Pack is a footprint reducing package normally with a High-pressure vessel and a low-pressure vessel on the same skid. A stack pack can be placed as the inlet vessel from a well stream or downstream of a sand separator or in parallel with Bulk Separation. Stack Packs are also known as Hi-Lo packages, Dual Separator package, Quad pack or some form thereof. Saves on footprint of facility, reduces steel costs and if designed correctly are easy to operate.

Process Purpose

A Stack Pack is a footprint reducing package normally with a High-pressure vessel and a low-pressure vessel on the same skid.

Sequence Placement

A stack pack can be placed as the inlet vessel from a well stream or downstream of a sand separator or in parallel with Bulk Separation


Saves on footprint of facility, reduces steel costs and if designed correctly are easy to operate

Stack Packs are also known as Hi-Lo packages, Dual Separator package, Quad pack or some form thereof

Internal Options:

- An Array of Inlet Diverters
- Spill over Baffles
- Wave Breakers (optional upgrade)
- Inlet Cyclones
- Vortex Breakers

Pressure Ratings:

- 50
- 125
- 250
- 500
- 740
- 1440


Heads and Shell Vessel


Horizontal and Vertical Vessels can be mixed and matched

Weather Option: Insulated in Cold, not insulated in Warm

Request More Information

Corporate Headquarters

7435 US Highway 277 S
Abilene, Texas 79606
(325) 691-1085

Mailing Address

P.O. BOX 6291
Abilene, Texas 79608

West Texas Yard

10512 W County Rd 150
Midland, Texas 79706
